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Lynda Gratton
Hot Spots
Gratton's idea is that it is our competitive mindset which stifles such Hot Spots, and proposes four prinicples which are needed to encourage them. Firstly a cooperative mindset. Secondly, boundary spanning, that is the free flow of ideas between different parts of a business (and indeed different businesses). Third is an igniting purpose, and fourth is the correct productive capacity - this includes ways of dealing with conflicts, ensuring commitment to a project, and managing the timing issues of a project (which is especially important in situations where those involved may be in different time zones)
I felt that the leaders the book is aimed at were those at the top of large organisations - sometimes it felt a bit removed from the everyday running of businesses. Also, I would think that many Hots Spots would originate with one person's enthusiasm, and Gratton's emphasis on cooperation means that there isn't much on how to direct resources to such a person so that the Hot Spot can grow. But I can't say that I have any experience of running a large business, so maybe the cooperative aspect is more important than I think. Cettainly with its numerous examples of how the ideas put forward have worked in practice, Hot Spots will provide those running a business with plenty of invaluable advice.